C4L Northeast Regional Conference!

Check it out!

And sign up!

Liberty events are scarce in the month of August — but I’m excited for September because of this conference!

Pennsylvania will proudly welcome and host Ron Paul and the Campaign for Liberty this fall at the Campaign for Liberty’s Regional Conference. The official word from national is this will be the only conference on the east coast this year. You’ve been patient, you’ve worked extremely hard, and now is your chance to see that work pay off in the form of direct contact with C4L national, grade A grassroots political training, as well as speeches from some of the most prominent leaders in the freedom movement.

Get ready for an awesome time!  Purchase your ticket today!

July 4th and 5th — Two Liberty-Filled Days to Remember!

Campaign for Liberty Float at the Independence Day parade in Philadelphia.

Campaign for Liberty Float at the Independence Day parade in Philadelphia.

Larken Rose speaking at July 4th event. For his speech, click on the picture!

Larken Rose speaking at July 4th event. For his speech, click on the picture

Stefan Molyneux at Drexel University for "How Much Government is Necessary" debate.

Stefan Molyneux at Drexel University for "How Much Government is Necessary" debate.

Michael Badnerik at Drexel University for "How Much Government is Necessary" debate.

Michael Badnerik at Drexel University for "How Much Government is Necessary" debate.

A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government.

July 4th and 5th — Two HUGE Events in Philadelphia!

July 4th is going to be huge this year in the liberty movement. Here is the tentative schedule:

9:00 am – 5:00 pm, Philadelphia Independence Day at Independence Mall. Volunteers needed to set up and staff Campaign for Liberty table. Come join the picnic and freedom celebration at Independence Mall: Live music, speakers, family fun!! The table will stay set up from 10:00 AM to 5:00PM.

10:30 am – 12:00 pm, Campaign for Liberty Participation in the Welcome America Parade. C4L patriotic float, with C4L members marching behind distributing the message of freedom (Constitutions, etc..) to thousands of parade watchers.

3:30 to 5PM, Speakers begin.

*Larken Rose (www.larkenrose.com)
*Stefan Molyneux (www.freedomainradio.com)
*Walter Reddy (www.committeesofsafety.org)
*Michael Badnarik (www.constitutionpreservation.org)

All events listed are not necessarily endorsed by Campaign for Liberty. The PA Campaign for Liberty will have a table set up at Independence Mall, so come down and sign H.R. 1207 / S. 604 petitions, pick up literature, ask questions, or sign up to become a Campaign for Liberty.

If you want to volunteer for this event please send an email to PhillyC4L@gmail.com.


We are honored to be joined by Stefan Molyneux (philosopher/voluntaryist/anarchist) of Onatario, Canada and Michael Badnarik (2004 Libertarian presidential candidate) of Austin, Texas for a debate of anarchy vs minarchy on Independence weekend in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

The event will take place on July 5th, 1PM-6PM at Bossone Engineering Building, Michell Auditorium, at Drexel University, hosted by Student Liberty Front.

This will be the clash of the individual freedom titans!

Stefan Molyneux is author of several books and host of the most popular philosophy show on the internet at http://freedomainradio.com.

Michael Badnarik is a nationally renowned constitution scholar and 2004 Libertarian presidential candidate; his website is http://constitutionpreservation.org.

Wary of a ‘debate’ on the 5th, in favor of more entertaining activities? This will be quite far from boring! You will find our guests to be highly entertaining and enlightening. You will not want to miss this event!

The event can be found on Facebook.

Please look into these two events! They are both great ideas to learn and spread knowledge on the ideas of liberty!

Working with Campaign for Liberty at the Valley Forge Gun Show (And a Ditty on Glenn Beck)

I want to apologize for my lack of writing, lately, I’ve been very busy on my “week off” between terms at Drexel — however, lots of activity with the liberty movement to write about!

On June 14th and 15th, I volunteered at the Campaign for Liberty table at the Valley Forge Gun show.

Never have I ever been treated with such esteem and gratitude than at the gun show.  People flocked to the table, all seemingly desperate to find a way to protect their 2nd amendment rights (of course being at a gun show).  Surprisingly, people also seemed to be “woken up” to the other problems with the government, such as the debt, fiat currency, the war, and so on.

Another thing that I noticed was that so many were in love with the Glenn Beck show.  On display was a LCD screen in which we could play videos from the computer.  And what got the most attention and recognition.  Glenn Beck!  Yes, I know all the arguments against Glenn Beck (“he’s a Neo-Con, I tell ya!”), I feel like he is the only one who is getting these ideas out to people in the media.  He was even featured by John Stossel for doing so much for the “liberty movement” and he has great ratings and views.  His 9/12 movement, his book that is coming out soon, titled Common Sense (a la Thomas Paine), his TV show, his tour, his radio show . . . all these contributions help people “wake up!”   Excuse the Glenn Beck tangent, but this needs to be addressed.  I honestly think that he is a great help to the movement, despite the fact that he does have some questionable moments on occassion.

I can’t see him being a problem when he does stuff like this.

Volunteering with Campaign for Liberty at the Gun Show gave me some experience with a whole new crowd, completely different from those in Philadelphia.  It is quite amazing to see the differences in perspective and realize how much more some people need to learn about liberty and freedom.  Sadly, it seems that the older, conservative generations understand us more than the people our own age — the people who think that being liberal is fighting for more government.

What a wonderful world . . . that we must fight for . . .

Campaign for Liberty Cookout!

I attended a cookout at Warwick County Park with Pennsylvania’s Campaign for Liberty in celebration of Liberty Rider‘s Michael Maresco. He is currently in the process of biking across the country, coast to coast, all for the cause of liberty. It was a great opportunity to meet him and congratulate him on his noble cause.

What a great bunch of people!

And we were featured on Freedom Watch!

The life of a freedom fighter is extremely fulfilling.

A Day in the Life — Freedom Fighting!


So, I’ve been waiting for the pictures of our Radley Balko event to be uploaded to the internet so I can post about our Student Liberty Front event, but in the meantime, I will give an update about what’s been happening.

I apologize to my readers for not updating on a daily basis, but trust me, I am not just sitting around — there is so much work to be done for Student Liberty Front that there is never a dull moment.  I just delegated the Facebook Page and the Twitter out to members to help update because there’s just no time for such busy work.  We will have a fully functioning website soon and new t-shirts are just around the corner!